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Dengue Update

UPDATE 11 December - I AM WELL - Enzymes went from 800 back to 52 (40 is normal for the liver) I still get tired very quick but I did manage to rest because of Penny and my Mother!

Mom is leaving tomorrow and I am so sad about it.

Penny and I had my mom do the strength finders test and I think Penny rightly said: "YOU HIT THE JACK POT WITH YOUR MOTHER!" Of course I said I know.

My mom was:

Positivity. This is why I have NEVER seen my mom get up on the wrong side of the bed! Not even one time in my life.

She was also Consistancy, Includer, Self Assurance, Connector and Woo.

This was the "free test" so a few extra showed like developer, communicator, intellection, context and activator. MY MOMS THE BEST!


who helped us get her here within 2 days.

I am forever grateful.

I even took my mom with me to my BORDER RUN to Burma!! Some things we have to do even if we are ill. At least I had 2 weeks of recovery. It was tiring but I made it... cause mommy was with me :-)

On the bus... 5 hours there and 5 hours back... our bus was late both times.


Saturday we were at a park, when around 5pm (the time mozzies bite) I could feel on my foot, how I got bitten by a mosquito. I told my friends, we better get out of here!

Sunday morning I flew to Bangkok. 3am my body started to give "I am not happy" signs...

Monday we were in class but during every break I found myself in my room on my bed. I though... Oh no I hope I am not relapsing with vasculitis. I am in remission right now and very happy about it.

After dinner I rushed to my bed (5 stories up) and the terrible aching increased. At 7pm I started to shiver with fever. I did not sleep for 5 minutes the entire night. At 4pm I wished for daylight.

7am I was in a taxi on my way to the hospital where it was confirmed that I had the dreaded Dengue Fever. There is no meds for it.

1pm, with the help of Penny finding flights and Averyl coming to get me to take me to the airport, I made it home by 2:30.

As I was boarding the aircraft, I could feel I was starting to faint... I handed over my passport at the first gate and thought... "I cannot faint now, they will not let me on the plane" They gave me back my ticket and I walked the isle to the aircraft door... thinking... i have to make it on. I started to semi black out. The warm fuzzy black wool feeling came over me. I showed my ticket to the lady who directed us to the correct isle and as I stepped on, I was about to go down.

The firt set of chairs was still open. I fell down in one and kept saying to myself "BREATH!" After a moment I dashed to my own chair and as I sat down, I blacked out for a few seconds. As I came round again, I suddenly needed to throw up. Thank goodness my isle chair was next to the toilets.

I was on my knees! You dont really care what people outside think... at least we were still boarding so people just walked by trying to find there seats. Little did I know how I would vomit my lungs out, after I have not eaten for 5 days!

I finally got back to my chair... and one hour later made it to Chiang Mai where Penny waited for me.

I have been on my couch since then. In horrible pain. I will have blood tests again soon to check my white blood count. This is the danger of Dengue. I am about to go into Critical Phase.... and about to faint if I do not press publish right now...

UPDATE: 10 days later.

I landed Tuesday, and Thursday 8am I went to hospital and was admitted for 7 days. I have not had such pain in all my life. I was throwing up green... The enzymes in my liver was 800 and not 40.

Here are some pictures whilst I was in hospital:

My fever did not leave for 6 days. It was 39 the first few days.

And then I started becoming good "Friends" with the bucket. Oh, I was sick!

When I came home, my landlord heard I had dengue. 30 minutes later the dengue people came to fumigate our garden! wow!! I was glad, because I am quite PETRIFIED of mosquito's now.

My amazing Mommy came from South Africa.

THANK YOU THANK YOU TO ALL who helped us get her here within 2 days. I am forever grateful.

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