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1 step a Giant leap... free Ywam Books

Many asked for this, but until this week, I actually did not know how to do it or what the results would be... I made a few of my books free online - giving away the PDF files to help YWAM base staff in locations like the Bush-Bush in Africa and India and Islands...

I felt like I was on cloud #99 all day when I clicked "publish post" yesterday. It was a happy moment. One of my friends actually wrote this to all the DTS International Centre Regional Leaders. Dude, I was so blessed. This is what he said:

"I would like to share with you a link that I believe can help the DTS world and YWAM as a whole.

Please take some time to go through this website. Sarah Beriyth who is the author of these books has been with YWAM for about 20 years. Currently she has a Bachelors in Biblical Studies with U of N. She has done the DTS Equip and staffed it with Jeremy West and has staffed and lead DTSs. She will be starting to work on her Masters with Maureen.

In writing these books she has looked for input from many different sources in our mission, including staying in Kona for a few months after being asked by Darlene Cunningham.

Personally my favorite book is Pioneer & Multiply. I think every base leader and school leader should have a copy. Tom Bloomer endorses it.

Please pass this website through your networks. Also I am requesting it would be added to our resource page on our website .

Right now the DTS Lecture Phase Workbook is free on the website. Please do look over it. If you feel that there needs to be changes, questions, or have any input I know Sarah would love to hear from you. Please email her at


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