Because of Matthew 6:18, there is not a whole lot of information on how it is to fast food for 40 days. The only good clip I found was a sermon by the late Dr Myles Munroe on "The kingdom principle of petitioning" He explains what the body goes through during 21 one day water fast brilliantly.
To watch 40 min Youtube video click HERE
My personal experience:
I fasted and asked God for the release of Missionaries from South Africa to the 10-40 window.
1. How did you prepare?
It was a word from the Lord about 5 months before I started the fast. I anticipated it for a long time and
was well prepared in my mind and heart. I knew it was God, and therefore I had no back door to escape.
(The pain of disobedience is worse than the pain of obedience)
2. What did I take in?
Because I have done a strict water fast before, I knew my body could go one week and then faint.
I drank Herbal life vitamin shake with 200ml milk at 9am, 1pm and 6pm. I also put 5ml of Moringa green
powder in the shake. It never filled me but did help me not to faint. I had no tea and coffee with caffeine. This was a really good decision. I had South African herbal Rooibos tea only.
During meals I read large portions of scripture that took me through the Bible. This is always wonderful to do. When I got to Hebrews (read the book one morning) "why the cross" stood out so much because the first 5 books of the Bible was so fresh in my memory. This was amazing and made me love Jesus so much.
3. How did I break the fast?
I had a cup of soup for both breakfast and lunch on day 41. Then a meal with two bites of lamb and salad
with veggies. (Oh, I had TimTam too!)
4. Was it hard?
Yes. Especially from day 27. I just wanted to eat! It somehow did not get easier. The last 5 days were really hard... really hard! I lost a lot of weight but still managed to maintain ministry. The toughest time of the day is between 3 -5pm.
5. Health result after 40 days?
Inflammation is gone! Headaches gone. I had massive headache during days 6-8. Never again.
6. Did I feel super close to God during this time?
For me, I do not really experience God more intensely while I fast (short or long) but the RESULTS &
CONSEQUENCES days and months later in decisions made and God-lead encounters... that takes place
nearly every time. It brings breakthrough where one sometimes did not know breakthrough was needed.
It does not have to be an individual personal breakthrough.
I did not at any time feel "closer" to God. I would like to demonstrate it like this. If you do not see a baby that you are well familiar with for a month, the next time you see them you go like "wow, look how big the baby got!" The growth experience is evident. If you do not see a 10 year old child for 5 months, the
growth is evident. If you do not see a 16 year old... maybe it will take two years to see much change and
difference. When it comes to a person who has reached adulthood, you notice wisdom that brings change... not really the looks.
I think this is the same for a new and older Christian. We never stop changing and experiencing God but the levels are different. (I use levels for the lack of a better term)
When a new Christian fasts for 3 days, they might be like "wow, God rocked my world" Maybe not.
When an older mature Christian who is use to these God-encounters fasts ( encounters become
a lifestyle)... then the answer you will receive from them on a 10 day or even 40 day fast will be different.
Something I also prayed about was the release of a car.
I will be long term in Thailand and I cannot imagine being on a bike for the next 7 years to come! Due to my level of sponsorship it is impossible to safe for a car or even pay the R5000 per month to have one. Please pray with me for the release of a car. Here is the page of the car that I am praying for.
Day 32 of my first ever 40 days all food and caffeine fast is going really well. More about that in a moment.
I am not done with 2016 and 2017's calendar is nearly full.
My weeks are literally fully booked from January 2017 until end September 2017 I am packing again. Getting my heart and mind ready for the Masters.
When I return to Thailand I will be teaching, debriefing DTS teams, go the the International DTS centre conference, teach a week in the Create International DTS (discipleship training school) on the topic "Authority of the Believer" & then join full time Thai class again while flying in and out of SA for the Masters.
In the mean time I write material for our school staff and leaders... so much to do... so little time!!
Day 32! I am walking slower and slower by the day but once back in SA (4 days after the fast is done) I know I will quickly get energy back with all the lovely... meat!! so if I look skinny it's ok. I am not having a mental break down.

I am asking God to see a release of Missionaries to the 10-40 window, but more than that. The church needs to sponsor and look after these guys, and a change in thinking is necessary. I am praying for a change on a national scale. You can join me in prayer.
I do not want to recruit young people to join the YWAM Discipleship Training School if the church does not want to help. I have been there and had to say good bye to the SA young ones because of lack of sponsorship. That was hard. But I know. I have been here 20 years and I have to fight to stay on the field.
Missionaries are not expats. We need to remember that. A major need for missionaries in the 10-40 window is a massive understatement. This fast has brought about a book (magazine style) that I hope to see finished as soon as the 33 international South African missionaries give me stories. I call it "movement 33" A story for each of the 33 million Christians in South Africa.
Lets see at least 1000 new, well sponsored missionaries sent out by 2033.
1. Always tickets! Flying from Cape Town to Thailand and Back - I need to pay that ticket September. They are holding the cheap ticket for me.
2. And my insurance is coming off in one week... $1200 aahhh!!!
3. Zero response to our car situation is quite discouraging but I still believe that God is tugging at someone's heart to buy me a small reliable car.
4. Paying this masters... this is going to take a miracle by God releasing sponsors at the right time for this season. I need to pay $1300 this August, again in November, again in January and again in June.
My health is doing good! Thank you for praying.
5. I still have 8 days to fast... It has been HARD!! But really good. I will not have my stomach rule the day... as Paul write to the Philippians...
Phil 3:18-19
Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.
19Their end is destruction,
their god is their belly,
and their glory is in their shame.
Their minds are set on earthly things.
20But our citizenship is in heaven...
Sarah AnnaLise