Dear friends,
This was one of the most thrilling trips the Lord has ever lead me on! And to think I was not even going pray about going to the YWAM conference!
COSTA RICA 'University of the Nations' Conference

I think I can say something along these lines: "I came to Costa Rica empty, I flew out with a YWAM-UofN heart overflowing."
As you know from my news a month ago, the Lord met me as I woke up one morning, and in a very unexpected vision. He showed me that I was to fly to our University of the Nations meeting in Costa Rica, Central America.
During the final touch down after 47 hours of traveling and layovers, I looked outside the window of the plane and could not believe how similar Costa Rica was to Chiang Mai... and that friends, is all I saw of Costa Rica!
It was by far one of my most favorite conferences in my 21 years with Ywam. Why? Jesus was center of all we did and talked about, the entire time! It was a conference full of "Bible-meat" and incredible deep worship and wonderful discussions & meetings. I was not surprised on the very last night when we sang our final song when the 57 nations in unison did not want to leave the four walls!

Spontaneous worship erupted. People took a hold of the flags that represented the 57 nations and waved it as we kept singing to the Lord. One could sense heaven joining us!
The day before this happened I had a vision during worship, and saw a very large red veil open with a huge rock behind it. It was as if the conference was like a "staff in the hands of Moses," we touched the Rock and water came out gushing over us.
I will mention some points about our Key Note Speaker, Skye Jethani in my update called Part 3
Let's work (or shall I say 'volunteer!) our hearts out!

​​​​ I am in all respects grateful that I came. How could I forget
the amazing platform provided to connect with fellow colleagues and acquaintances from all over the world. During our last day, one of our key leaders of the University approached me and our brief meeting will thrust me into much after I have finished the Masters.
This "much" has been on my heart for over 2 years and this leader did not even know it.​ As they say in Lord of the Rings "We have work to do!"
I was also very encouraged by a few YWAM School leaders that randomly approached me to say thank you ​for the resources I compiled for students and staff, and how it helped them to facilitate their schools week by week. I have most of the time no idea who make use of the books, and thus it was nice to meet some who do.
with a South-African flavor

After one of our discussion around our table in regards to reaching out to the poor, a South-African brother walked over to me and asked my forgiveness for what the current leaders in our nation are doing to South Africans. I was deeply touched by his humility and had a moment of tears because the hidden pain of what is really taking place surfaced in my heart as he spoke. I was needless to say very grateful to this heartfelt repentance.

There were a few times that we could also pray for people, and somehow nearly all cried while I prayed for them... it was unusual. I joked with myself and said: "its like a crying anointing this week!"
One Ywam'er stood out for me. He seemed very happy throughout the entire conference... Have you ever prayed for someone while you felt like a dead duck! That was me. In my mind I had a conversation with myself that went something like this: "I am just praying from my head and not my spirit, I feel dead and better say amen to spare us all!" At that exact moment, I had a vision of what was going on in this guys life. (He was a stranger to me) I prayed what I saw and when I opened my eyes, he was bowling his eyes out. I looked at him and said: "are you in some major transition?" Through tears he shared about his situation and how the vision confirmed that God was with Him through all of it.
The girl in Redding... she was visiting from the UK. Every time I looked over to her it was as if I literally could see her broken heart. That was tuff for me. I walked away after praying for her but in my heart I felt so... sad. I did not ask her anything. We never had a conversation. I saw her, walked over to her. Placed my hands on her and prayed. She was weeping by the time I was done. I said amen, and walked back to my seat. And in this way God somehow touched strangers I never knew and would never see again. It touched me very deep that God would visit people in this way.
Why am I telling you this? Not with any of these people did I feel "spiritual" and thought God was going to speak. You never know when God is going to pitch up! So keep praying for one another! ... and carry tissues in your pocket!

​I feel sad that my travels (and student visa) at this time is preventing me from saying yes to teach on schools in some amazing nations, but then I received an email this week with a list of 12 weeks to choose from, and thus hope to at least see Russia next year. I have to be in South Africa to apply for a visa - I was unable to do it in person in Bangkok last year. I hope it will work out in 2018. I have no idea how I am going to keep managing flying in and out on the current "student" visa that I have for Thailand - your prayer in covering me in this area is much appreciated.
Thanks for your support on so many levels!
Sarah Anna-Lise
PS: If you are not following me on FB, have a brief glance through this short video as to how God met with us as a University. (OR VISIT Facebook: "University of the Nations")