Dallas Jenkins, The Chosen.
I have watched THE CHOSEN and was deeply touched like millions of others around the globe. A friend sent me the testimony of the Dallas Jenkins, creator of THE CHOSEN and as I watched it, I felt so comforted by the word they received from God to produce this multi million dollar project:
“Just provide the loaves and the fish,
I will do the impossible math”
For us, its lock down.
Unless you can work from home, many of you who are reading, are suddenly without income and financially challenged to the core. I know many of my family are. We are asking, what if lock-down continues? This is most difficult for so many.
As I watched the testimony I strongly sensed Holy Spirit ministering to my own heart where I do carry some sense of... now what Lord?
"Just keep doing what you are doing.
Provide the loaves and fish like Dallas and I will do the rest.”
A calmness and reiteration of trust enveloped my heart early this morning. YES LORD. That is all I can do in the end. I do what you tell me to do, and YOU do the rest. I trust that you will also in this challenging time, find time to connect deeply with God on the issue of finance and trust. That you will strongly concur with Him that you are where you are suppose to be and if not, to trust that He will direct and perhaps re-direct your path as you follow Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight"
It is crazy to think that I have to put boundaries in place so that I can have time for prayer and work. This season truly calls on DISCIPLINE, right!
I keep to some sort of schedule and routine. It helps to be productive work-wise and to stay sane. I have the added bonus of living on an open farm. I am actually really 'in hiding' and I love every moment of it.
I cannot remember when is the last time I felt so intensely happy for days and days on end!
I have the incredible privilege to be able to walk every morning. By now it is routine regardless of the weather. If it was not for this routine, I would never have seen the GORGEOUS WHITE (Rain) FOG-BOW I placed on Facebook. It is really rare to see it. I know Johannesburg where I cannot walk will soon be reality again so I am making most of it. Soon... might not be that soon but in the end it is were my home is.
Apart from what I am working on, I still have not gone back to watching movies since January. WOW! It is like a secret competition I have with myself! I win if I do not watch Netflix.
There are so many great, uplifting books to read, audible books to listen to that there is simply no time for movies. I am constantly engaging in wonderful and uplifting material. (And perhaps some crazy YouTube - see my last few words)
Today I watched another video on Dr. Jim Wilder. I was first introduced to his teachings back in India when I was room-mates with 3 girls who did the YWAM Counseling School in 2004.

My school was very boring and I read all their counseling books in my off time. One definitely stood out. It was “living from the heart Jesus gave you” It is not the best title but it is one of the best books ever. In fact, it was so good that I bought 3 copies and posted one to a girl I knew in jail. She was only 16. She wrote me back and said that the wardens in the prison kept the book but they worked through it with the inmates. Then came the Masters Program and we had to read the book again. I bumped into more material of Dr. Jim Wilder - some of you will be familiar with the journaling material I have available for you on my sandboxbible.com website. It helps to develop the joy-centre. Then, today I listened to his talk on Attachment-Love. I thought, I think you, my friends and sponsors will like it.
YWAM friends all over are into the next video:
Dr. Jim WIlder and Dr. Marcus Warner also teaches on leadership in a very unique way. It is brilliant material for anyone. If you are a parent you are! If you are single, you have to lead yourself. We all are leaders at various levels.
Watch this. It is SO GOOD.
Hunting for caves on the farm
One day I saw a cave while walking. I spoke to the family that stays with me on the farm and the next day we went looking to see if we could somehow access it from the other mountain. The first day we missed it. Knowing a bit better, we found it day by day two. Then we saw a massive cave from that view point. No one will see this from any road nearby. Day 3 we decided to take on the thick bushes again! It took us two hours to get there. I was blue from falling and had many scratches and a bloody t-shirt by the time I got back home.
Dangerous yes.
Adrenaline fun, absolutely.
It is a week later and the wound on my back is healing. The many scratches on my arms are slowly disappearing. The cave was filled with dead animal bones. Small ones. There was a massive pile of 'Dassie-poo' or in english " rock hyrax"
For three days I was the happiest person on this planet. (I still feel like that!) At one point during high school I wanted to become a Wild Game Ranger... This totally taps into that. I simply love the bush-bush, the adrenaline rush when you think it might be a snake or a scorpion (see photo), the hot son and good sunglasses!
This reminded me of something that is on my 'life-bucket-list" If you can remember, 10 years ago when I left Perth Australia, I made a bucket list and fulfilled all of them. I touched a kangaroo, ate kangaroo steak, went to the revolving restaurant, was on a train from Sydney to Perth for 3 days, slammed a packet of Aussie Tim-Tams in one go... things like that. There were 10 items. I forget what the others were. I left that nation after 4 years in such a beautiful manner. My last flight out of there circled twice over Perth and I sat at the window where I could see the base, my house, our favorite shopping streets, even the revolving restaurant. It was the best goodbye one could have!
NOW... my non-spiritual bucket list looks something like... Go to the National Kruger Park for a week with the tour guides, their guns... in the wild bush of Africa. My parents did this when I was 11'ish. It is my turn!
I have a "missionary list" too :-) It is fun to dream fun-things with God. He is full of fun.
On a YouTube fun, not-so-spiritual-note
I am sure you are as saturated as I am with WhatsApp messages.
YouTube “suggestions” I do like the political buzz though, especially videos FB takes off! All 5_G stuff are strictly controlled by who-ever right now. Have you wacthed Q ?
"Fall of Cabal 1-10" HOT POTATO!
I love the last two videos of Trump in that. VERY RECENTLY Patricia King had an interview with Lance Wall called "America - What Now? with Patricia King and Lance Wallnau"
It is fascinating to watch. In both "fall of Cabal" and what Lance Wallnau (who has direct access to Trump) is saying, make sense.
Then, on Covid-19 there is the research of Dr. Shi Zhengli. I have some friends that went into heated debates with me... what fun to agree to disagree about these videos FB is taking off. If you watch Fall of Cabal, and read what Mark Zuckerberg of FB says and see the stuff he is into... you might think again.
Be blessed
Enjoy this 'set apart' season
This will also come to an end!
Trust in God!
Until next month,
STAY in His awesome Presence with what you do and think and dream.
Sarah Anna-Lise
Oupa & Ouma meeting JOSHUA 1st time!
I am baking my Grand Ma's Special sweets desert
The bush we had to walk through!