Its Saturday, 4 July 2020
It is 22 hours later.
I walk into my parents house downstairs.
I hear that "NEW" yet very OLD sound.
What has always been a tremendous joy in my life suddenly caused my heart to freeze for the first time, 22 hours later!
I suddenly realised! I said "Mom - that's it!
That is the sound that caused me to look up last night and see the flames just in time."
Wowoom, wowoom, wowoom... the sound of a fire going strong.
Last night, I was on my couch, busy with a very serious conversation that took my mind off the fire and the smoke in the house. The fire has been going an hour and a bit and for the last half hour my dad and I could not figure out where the smoke was coming from! We looked and looked. You can see in the 2nd photo - this was the beginning of the smoke.
Finally he left and I text my brother that somehow smoke is coming out 'of the glass latch' and that we had to fix it the next day.
Suddenly, I heard the sound caused me to look up.
The roof was on fire. Behind the black fire proof wall, & coated with fire-proof paint came large tongues of fire on both sides that caused the loud continuous low-tone WOWOOM sound.
The wooden pillar behind the fire proof wall caught fire out of sight. This was the cause for the smoke that we could not figure out. We simply did not see it.
This was a night I was very grateful that I am a thinker and not a feeler! I was able to keep my head on straight but there was a moment that I really, really thought the whole place was going to go down in flames. All my walls and floor and furniture = wood!
I yelled for my parents to come and minutes later - in record time - my one brother and his family arrived.
Just before he arrived I grabbed the inside bucket of my bin and filled it with water. As I was about to throw it, I heard "THROW IT IN THE MAIN FIRE" (Not in the air where the big flames were)
As I did that, most of the big flames suddenly stopped.
(Picture below: my mom hopping for a cup of team with me early 1st July on my Birthday. This is the tree that sparked the strange vision)

Last night as I journal about the fire around midnight after cleaning up as much as I could, my eye fell on the entry I made yesterday morning during prayer.
I remember as I prayed, I looked at the bird nest outside my window and in my mind's eye I saw a massive snake coming for the nest. I thought - I am really just making it up.
As I tried to change my thoughts, I could not change the picture.
So... I journaled. I felt God telling me that there is a snake that is going to try and attack my nest but he will not be able to reach the nest and that I would be safe.
There is really not a good obvious reason or fault from our side that the wall caught fire. My brother even tested it while the fire was going before. There was NO HEAT coming through the fire proof wall.
5 am this morning I woke up. I could not get the flames outside of my head and I realized that it was quite a bit of trauma that we actually experienced 10PM last night.
All I could do was to go to Jesus and ask Him his perspective. This morning, as I was laying on my bed I went and stood before Him. In the vision as I stood before him, I was aware of my face. It was pitch black as if I just came out of a chimney.
I said, "What happened?"
He quoted a scripture I have not heard in ages! and wiped my face clean. Then the picture-vision disappeared.
This is what He said "Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?
I picked up my phone and googled "Joshua, fire, bible" and then read EXACTLY what He quoted me!
Zechariah 3:1-2 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The Lord said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?”
I turned off my phone. Peace came. Deep gratefulness that He saved my house from burning down. You see, I am never on that couch that time of the night. This was the first time in ages. If I took a shower or sat in bed reading my Bible as I usually do... we would have lost my house and most likely my father's building.
This morning when my eye saw the note I made about the snake seeking to attack me (12 hours before the fire broke out) I realised God saved me. He really, really did.
Tonight, I machine-sanded the wall, and started painting it. I will rest tomorrow and finish it on Monday before seeing my first child in Stilbaai for counseling. Finally, my sand-box therapy room to help children is ready!

Maycee, my most adorable brown miniature doggy has to go for a hip operation Tuesday. Both her hips dislocates easily and she is only 1.
By Wednesday I hope to be fully focused again behind my screen with lots of work to catch up on. Please keep me in your prayers!
I assume I am working on things that perhaps is making our enemy uneasy!

I had an amazing 44th Birthday / House warming / Welcome to Stilbaai party.
Did you miss out on the incredible story on how this all took place?
You can read about it below.
Sarah Anna-Lise
Genesis 32:9-10 Then Jacob prayed, "LORD, you who said to me, 'Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper, I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps.
Sarah: I left Thailand empty, and now all, even more, have been restored to me in only two years. The generous gifts of friends and sponsors will stay with me forever.
I initially came for 2 weeks (long before Covid) to staff the masters cohort 2020 in Cape Town. I stayed extra time afterwards because Baby Joshua was on his way. I would drive back to Kempton Park and wait until the twins were born mid June in Stilbaai. Well… Joshua was born on lock-down day. I never drove back to Kempton Park where I have been living since losing my visa to Thailand. Then lock-down was extended… and extended… and we are still on level 3 in SA. I had the 5 week incredible farm-stunt (see previous news letters) I had nothing to do with the arrangements and was blessed beyond words during level 1 lock down. Oh, and do not forget the white rainbow and caves and horses… I mean, one day I was with my brother and the next day I was on the porch of heaven. I knew it would not last forever. Due to unexpected change of circumstance beyond my control I moved back to my brother. I actually think it was The Hand moving the pieces behind the scenes - I would most likely not have moved if I stayed on the farm! While at my brother… talks began. Then I had a dream that I would move to the Cape.
I told no one.
I was not moving. I totally dismissed the dream as a pizza-dream (of course it did bug me inside) I loved living in Kempton Park. Yet, within a week I decided to move. That same week, the man in the place above my father moved out due to Covid. Friends and family said, ‘you are making the right decision to go’ I remembered the pizza-dream. Some other factors also played a rather large role and the entire puzzle fell into place. No more driving two days to get to the masters meetings either. Now it is only 4.5’ish hours away.
I mean… A REAL one. A miracle I could NOT fix myself. How on earth do I move all my stuff 1200km…
I had no money to do it!
So I prayed like crazy. I put on worship music and waited until and saw myself with Jesus. I did this three mornings. I would talk to Him about the move and that I needed a truck. Then, as the two of us were standing (in a vision) a truck suddenly appeared in front of us. I looked at Jesus and said, “oh! the truck is here”
Then I heard His voice say with crystal clearness,
“Call Diana”
I saw Diana in 199… uh… well… nearly 3 full decades ago!
I was still in high school. I asked a friend to give me her number, I phoned. She said YES with a smile. She said,
“As soon as a truck has space and drives the N2 past Stilbaai, we will make a plan for you” One week later:
TRUCK IN STILBAAI with everything I own.
I felt a bit like Jacob… I came with nothing from Thailand but arrived in Stilbaai with a full house except a bath! Which, the same time-frame of me moving and needing to buy a bath, my good friend John, -out of the blue- gave me a financial gift. He knew nothing! He said “I am not buying KFC during lock down - here is the money I saved from that” BOOM!
Just like that! I bought a bath YAHOOOO!!! So many miracles took place the last 24 months it feels unreal. I am jumping up and down on the inside!!