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And so a New Journey of filming Begins

Writer's picture: Sarah BeriythSarah Beriyth


Would I ever have guessed that one man's, once off gift as a thanks would turn into

- a wood cutting machine...

- to create a SandBoxBible...

- that would turn into film...

- that would most likely take me at least a decade to pull off.

That caused some major consideration as to WHERE I put the few good years I have left to good use - meaning for me personally: disciple nations and get the Bible as far and wide out as possible with the gifts He gave me.

Not too long ago an idea popped into my head.

1. Turn SandBoxBible into a STOP-MOTION FILM

2. Start in Genesis to link it with the Book of Hebrews

3. Film the Bible stories in Chronological order...

4. Start with the most difficult passage: Genesis 1

Below is a sample for what is coming. With this sample I learned about what I will need.

I realized

This is going to take TIME... Years and years

and it will take determination

I also realized:

- I need a massive sandbox so that traveling between towns in sand are possible!

My brother will help me to build it.

- I need good solid Studio Lights... my lamps did not cut it.

- I will need to build a sound booth to record the Bible passages - my house is surrounded with the main streets of Stilbaai!

I already have

- A good camera and two brilliant lenses

- My house is perfect for a studio set up - I am nearly there!

- I already have many figures and a wood cutting machine

For now I do more than what I should:

- Dubbing Voice overs - Reading-Recording each Bible passage. I need an English person for English but would love to read the Afrikaans version later.

- Videography - Thanks to years with Create Int I got a few tips but would LOVE for someone else who knows final cut pro LIKE A PRO to do this for me.

- The Gaffer is responsible for the design and execution of the lighting plan on set. I am fundraising for lights and need to learn to gaffer my way forward! wow!!

- Subtitles into different languages - From the very start, one will be able to follow verse by verse!

The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. As of September 2020 the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,551 languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,160 other languages. Thus at least some portions of the Bible have been translated into 3,415 languages

This leaves the potential of at least 704 languages that we can copy paste into the program following the wooden sandbox bible story.


Will you help me buy the Studio lights - please mention Donation Lights

FNB S.A. Breedt Acc # 62 61 46 15 245 Stilbaai, Branch 250655 South-Africa SWIFT CODE: FIRNZAJJ

BIGGER ASK: Will you pray weekly?

It takes days and days to produce a 2 minute film and this excludes the design of the wooden figures by a graphics artist.


I cannot do this... I cannot even draw a stick figure

PRAY FOR A GRAPHIC ARTIST to join this project. It will be a few years to complete.

Will you pray with me

Will you give towards the studio lights

Will you keep your eyes open for the graphic artist, the videographer and gaffer?

Thanks so much

Sarah Anna-Lise

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