I took the mic and told my Frontier Missions friends in the meeting room: "Three of my roommates did not get their money for air tickets for our meetings. The implication was that I had to pay my hotel room all by myself so GOD BETTER BE UP TO SOMETHING because it was a massive financial step for me to go. One of the flights were 13,5 hours.
Then it happened... the last night of the conference.
An old trusted colleague and I walked to catch a taxi back to the hotel and decided to eat something first. We walked into an ugly food-court building. Finally we found a place to sit and eat. Here and there you saw YWAMers still with their tags around their necks. My friend saw a lady looking like she was lost. She called her, asked her name.
We introduced ourselves when I suddenly felt, "she must stay to eat with you." The lady stood up and told us she was going to go and I looked at her and asked her to eat with us. I did not know if we were to bless her, of if she was going to say something, but one thing I knew... I was aware something was going to happen.
Food came and she kept talking and talking... when suddenly the conversation turned. She told us about this huge gift she was given to steward in the Philippines by the Philippine church. She said that she had no idea what she was going to do with the empty building they gave her...
and then I knew!
We kept talking and I saw the moment I could drop a thought. I said: I know what you can do with the building! The Philippines is a sending nation and people are asking me for SandBoxBibles from all these surrounding nations. They are too expensive to fly from Africa. We have a distribution point in India now but the task it to big. You could produce them here and have teams distribute them internationally. It is the 10-40 window. Go and pray-think about it. I give you all the files on the house and you make and sell them... All I want is distribution made simple."
We exchanged numbers. I landed in South Africa and one week later received a text. "Sarah, I have some very good news for you and we can discus this plan in October.
Then she ended with : Please pray for me. I am speaking to 100 000 people before I return to my home nation.
As we sat and spoke around the table that night we learned that she has a very strong prophetic ministry. She prayed over me and not knowing me at all, started to pray over the massive problem my leaders and some of you know I encountered in Stilbaai. She prophesied and said: "You are coming against a strong Religious spirit and Jezebel where you are. God is very very angry about this..." I sat there stunned. I knew how I told Rianni one day "God is really not happy about this - I can feel His righteous anger" God confirmed that!
My friend who knew what happened with me the last two years could not believe how this lady prayed this SPOT ON prophesy over me. It truly has been HELL and God came and in such a profound way to minister to me. I am just so grateful my YWAM leaders listened to me and covered me. The same "bad" is happening to some other leaders who had to leave too. It is actually a very sad situation. The more this group cursed me and SandBoxBible the more favor we received!! Proverbs 26 says "Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim."
Due to finance, I could not fly to India to the National Meeting but it was AWESOME to know that Dr.Sandya and Janitha is now the face of URstory-SandBoxBible in India and they will be helping the Indian YWAM outreach teams and Church Planters with boxes.
DAD & Magda
It is so wonderful to see Dad so happy with Magda.
Thousands of languages, spoken by hundreds of millions of people, still do not have a Bible. The goal of the Oral Mother Tongue (OMT) approach is that the Bible be accurately and clearly translated by mother-tongue speakers into their languages. This can be accomplished in as little as two years. Since launching OMT in May 2023, YWAM Nigeria alone has finished 30 translations that have been received with joy by churches, who testify to their accuracy.
IMAGINE a group of people not only listening to the audio Bible but seeing the story unfold in front of them in sand or rice. IMAGINE the practical application once the story has been heard.
"It’s not enough to translate the Bible; it’s not enough to distribute the Bible. We want to see real Scripture Engagement: people encountering God’s Word in life-changing ways."
SandBoxBible fills this visual gap, adding much needed lifechanging biblical application to those who cannot read, to those whose pastor does not even have a Bible.
URstory SandBoxBible had a meeting with Kulumi and they will give us ANY audio language to go alongside each box.
INDIA has thousands of languages and with our machine there, we will see languages reached with a Bible that is so practical alongside the audio.
KULUMI said that if we order 1000 divices here in South Africa, we can see a 1000 boxes with URSTORY branded audio-solor-light divices go out into Africa.
As of 2023, around 40 percent of the population was aged 15 years and younger, compared to a global average of 25 percent. Most Christians will be coming from the continent of Africa to the Nations. We have to disciple (not only convert) millions of Africans.
Allow Holy Spirit to speak to you about this fact and the impact it will have on Global Missions.
These are some of my contacts.
I wish you could have experienced the lady from Cambodia. She runs a ministry and saw the impact "Rice"BoxBible will have for discipling her large group under her.
Nepal is RUNNING with the OMT translation and many people groups in those mountains will finally be able to hear the Bible in their mother tongue. We already have a key contact begging us for 300 more Boxes but imagine we can through Kulumi get these new languages a visual box with the DMM (Disciple making movement) application question too.
Then we have a crazy girl willing to take boxes to the underground church in Tibet.
The ministry leader from Pakistan whats app me often. He realised that they can too make stop motion videos with the wooden figures for new languages.
Making some needs known:
Being a Full Time Volunteer, not receiving a salary is always a challenge. After 28 years it is tiring... and still humble pie to write about. But if you follow the fruit... I hope you see it is worth it...
Thanks to sponsors helping me to keep going. After this expensive trip I depleted all my avenues and my monthly sponsorship is simply not cutting it. Please open your hearts to ask God if you should sow into any of these things, if your not a sponsor. Maybe come onboard monthly - ABSA 907 558 0094 savings. OR make use of our new NPO account. Scroll down for details.
My car on 160 000km said... hey ho ho cough cough. It is currently at the car-docter costing me R6000 just to get it back on the road. I guess in time I will have to change the car to a newer model with less km... I dont have R6000... as a friend of mine would quote "Houston we have a problem"
Nepal is key in having a machine and we have people who will take responsibility for it. Do you think God might ask you to solve this one.
North Africa needs a machine... and we need one in America. America is the #1 Sending Nation still and I have to find lifts for boxes to the USA... this is kinda impossible. Maybe God is asking you to solve this one...
And last but not the least. I simply need more monthly sponsors in this season. Ask God if your tithe could come to URstory's NPO ministry.
Join us for prayer 3PM Fridays
Join our woman SBB study group Thursdays 5:30-7:00PM
URstory outreaches in Western Cape and working with disabled.