There is something about WIND. Once a person embrace the propelling dynamic when you live by the ocean, it can become a source of sheer joy above massive scary waves, pumping 'never getting use to adrenaline' that causes the experiencer to go back - time and time again.

This is the picture that comes to my mind when I think of THE TASK I know God has given me for 2023 through the SandBoxBible Ministries' new season. This month WYCLIFFE Bible Translators came back to me about the task we will embrace for 2023:
A series of "Creation to Christ" for Africa.
Implication. I will be designing a broader-to-reach African Bible figure box for missionaries to use on the continent of Africa. Not-so-coincidental I believe but right after this commitment took place, I heard that the focus of the two missions conferences in Asia that I am planning to visit with Rianni will have strong focus on AFRICA!
Ticket Miracle: I had ZERO idea how the tickets to Asia would be supported this time. I just knew, there was absolutely no ways that I could even remotely safe for it. All I knew was that I had a sense of urgency to procure the two tickets. Then, the miracle of miracles took place. Details here are not needed but just to say - BOTH Rianni and my tickets are paid for in full and booked for May. This is truly 'Glory to God'
May HE repay the giving the way only He can.

God's wind can cause the one jumping to make somersaults of joy!
For those praying, there will be a lot of ground fees too, (taxi's, hotels, food etc). Consider if you ought to give to this trip (either once or through tithing monthly).
ABSA 907 558 0094 Savings SA Breedt.

I will be pioneering The new BADMINTON CLUB in our Colored-Community outside of Stilbaai, training Gr 1-9 pupils of MHF Primary. Through the efforts of the Stilbaai Club, and our coordinator Ursula, the community & school said YES.

As you already know, I started taking up Badminton and really like it. It took a while to let go of my 'tennis swing' and I still catch myself cutting the feather to spin (which of course you cannot do in badminton!) I started taking Janco and Alexander to the kids-club and somehow ended up helping out with the training.
With "Shuttle Time Training" under the belt... and next week's "SAFE-GUARDING" training, everything seems to be well underway. Our beaches in our area are all #1 Blue Flag Status... but some things in SA... is still not under blue status:

Quote: "South Africa’s reactive legislation is quite strong, and our Constitution is arguably one of the best in the world, but when it comes to Proactive Legislation around the safeguarding of vulnerable persons (specifically children), South Africa, are sorely missing the mark.
As The Guardian, we are speaking to our clients (Schools, Sports Federations, and Organisations that engage with children like churches, etc.), about best international safeguarding practice, which will ensure that their school, and the environment, meet the best “First World Proactive Solutions” available. There is almost no legislation driving this, but it must happen. If children are going to be safer, then schools need to partner with The Guardian, so they can be assisted to develop their Safeguarding Policies that drive these Proactive Practices."
Why do I pioneer this club?
Short answer:
I pioneer this club with the hope to bring SANDBOXBIBLE to the community later in the year after building strong relationships and trust.
Longer answer:
Community development without the Gospel and dynamics of discipleship can only go so far. Evangelism is not enough. Jesus said to go and make disciples, not converts.
(Thank goodness I do not have to learn the language this time!)
This takes time and effort. Somehow I find myself in this new place where making disciples through constant weekly influence can become REALITY. There is also now a new BROTHEL due to the amount of bad influences coming into Stilbaai. The building industry is booming... sadly much more with it.
A massive 'shack community' right behind Melkhoutfontein is raising eyebrows. The DRUGS is a huge problem. Last week I heard of a 10 year old an a 12 year old now pregnant. Stories of what is taking place is of grave concern. Melkhoutfontein already suffers greatly with alcohol and drugs but it is going to a new level, fast.
I will need to fund-raise afresh in 2023 for the amount of PETROL I will be using weekly for the Badminton. My budget is super tight due to the loss of quite a few monthly sponsors. I would really appreciate it if you would consider in prayer before the Lord if you could/should come (anonymously) on board monthly in 2023. It would take a massive underlying burden off my shoulders.

Stilbaai is overflowing with the incoming holiday makers and our tiny roads are not the same.
You think twice before getting into your car already. I heard that municipality expect 70 000 over December, and this is not counting all the families that moved here since lock down.
It is going to be crazy.
You will most likely not hear from me again until January when I will commence with the film series for the Muslim Makhuwa.
to all my supporters, monthly supporters, and prayer partners:
I cannot do it without you. Thanks so much for listening to Him in this regard.
Sarah Anna-Lise