"...that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ"
Zarias fought Scleroderma since age 5
The term systemic sclerosis is used to describe a systemic disease characterised by skin induration and thickening accompanied by various degrees of tissue fibrosis and chronic inflammatory infiltration in numerous visceral organs, prominent fibroproliferative vasculopathy, and humoral and cellular immune alterations.

Video Update 2 Zarias Fighting Cancer
As a family, we really appreciate your letters, Whatsapp messages, and prayer tremendously. THANK YOU!
Watch his update on Youtube HERE: https://youtu.be/gHcYCzpjB4A


5 min VIDEO Link 26 April 2017 Leaving Sukhothai for South Africa
When Thailand and dreams to get better turn into a nightmare... Watch the 5 min video here. Good news is that he made it back to South Africa. It was one "hell" of a ride in regards to pain... but he made it.
Four Hours before Cape Town his vital organs were in danger zone and the dr said: "If your vital organs do not improve in the next 5 min we are turning this aircraft to go back to Dubai!"
The Cellulitis is an added burden that causes the extreme swelling of his legs. His vanes are extremely sensitive, and very red & swollen.

March 2017 Zarias in and out of hospital in Thailand
We knew that the exterior damage on his hands and feet meant the same for his interior organs. We knew the day would come that it would really show... but not at 37. This week Inge rushed Zarias to hospital (again) because of the pain that he was going through. It is two days later now and with some treatment he is doing better again. He is at home. They finally managed to buy an aircon! yahoo so it is a bit cooler in his bedroom.
This is where things are at: His heart is enlarged. The arteries going out to the longs are supper narrow and cannot get enough blood to the lungs (hence bad infection in his lungs). His longs - 50% of his lungs are already hardened and not functioning at all. He found out his kidneys are starting to fail. He has a blood clot in his leg (miracle that they found it early) and with meds they are trying to get it to go away.
His hands and feet - its pink for now. then its randomly blue at some times. Its blue even in 38'C. Imagine if he was in Cold Kempton Park back in SA...
Zarias and Inge really want to complete at least 2 years here in Thailand and if Zarias can remain stable, they would like to stay longer. They are in a WONDERFUL Thai community (but zero Christians) that is taking really good care of them.
SJ BREEDT . TJEK. FNB Woodbridge 6233 030 73 24

In Thailand and improving!
I made a joke with my sister in law and said: Go and teach English in Thailand where it is hot and see what happens with Zarias. Money cannot buy health and happiness... Two weeks later they packed their bags... They have been in Thailand since 06 October '16 and it has been one amazing joy-ride on many levels. But most of all... as you can see in this picture - it is a RADICAL improvement since the beginning of the year when he had to go to hospital so many times.
We hope to follow their story soon on a proper blog! But thanks to everyone who prayed for them. They are one amazing family!!

Inge's Poem | Gedig to Zarias while in hospital
My Man
My Zarrie
Alexander (16 months) mis jou
Hy roep sy pappa in die tuin
Hy slaap onrustig want hy weet
Soos wat ek weet
Jou plek is leeg
Sy bad is klaar en sy ogies soek
Nou is dit mos bottel tyd
Pappa tyd
Ek breek my reel en gaan kruip by hom in
Hy draai om in my arm, handjie op my bors
En ek sing vir hom
Fluister in sy oor
Jou pappa is sterk
Hy mis ons ook
Hy sal altyd baklei
Vir jou. Vir ons. Vir homself.
Alexander sug in sy slaap
Ek hou hom stywer vas
Ek hou hom vas tot sy pappa terugkom
3 Feb 2016

Zarias is in hospital again... Feb2016
If God reminds you of Zarias (or the Breedt's) this week in prayer... this might be why. His lungs are badly infected. Please pray with us to see healing come to him speedily. He has huge responsibilities at back at Serengethi... and his little boy and wife misses him. I miss my brother. It is HORRIBLE to be away so far. I cannot wait to go home to see them. First Russia, then PangNgna, then Cape Town and only END April will I see them and little Alexander for the first time. It is very disturbing to constantly hear bad news from home.
This month FC, his wife and Janco (2) got really ill. The week after that Janco developed Tonsilitus and he is still recovering.
Zarias's little boy was also sick and this does not help when Dadda is in hospital, an hour away from home.
Mom's heart is constantly giving trouble.
Dad is going for his operation in 5 weeks and are in constant pain.
The only one that is not sick is Jacques!
My vasculitus dots are appearing again and I am fighting a cold for days now.
Needless to say PRAY FOR THE BREEDT's Please and VISIT ZARIAS with biltong in Kloof :-)

Pray for his feet
New year started. It is 2016. Zarias was in hospital - although super fit to keep his lungs going, he is on morphine. Holidays at the beach did not work out as hoped for with their 1 year old son Alexander
I wrote in my diary:
"Die Opstanding is in my.
Dit borrel op die groot teologiese stry.
Wat ek nie meer kan vermy.
Wyl my broer so ernstig ly.
Waar is geloof? Is ek steeds so vol stof?
O God was my skoon dat ek U opstandingskrag in my kan toon."
Matthew 8:17 This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: "He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases."
In August 2013, he came to visit me in Thailand, and we had the most wonderful time. Experiencing this hot weather compared to cold Johannesburg weather in South Africa, made him write the following:
"Ek verstaan nou 10% hoe dit moet voel as jou hande en voette nie seer is 99% van die tyd nie. Dit is 9:00 en ek sit kaalvoet buite die huis !! Dis ongelooflik en ek voel baie happy vandag TRANSLATION "I understand 10% more, how it must feel, if a person's hands and feet are not in pain 99% of the time. It is 9am and I am barefoot outside the house. It is amazing and I feel incredibly happy"
He will most likely have to quit his wonderful job. I hope it will not happen but he needs to get off his feet. Please pray for wisdom for him.
Receiving best builder's reward!
Serengeti is prime property a few km from Johannesburg airport. For the rich and very rich, my brother had favour to be chosen as a building-site operator. Two years in a row now he won the "BEST BUILDER" award. He also won the funny "how to lose a drone while flying it" It just never came back! He is highly favoured but the hours on his feet and cold Kempton Park mornings took their toll... all the way to hospital.

ZARIAS - Polio at 3 - Where it all started...
First he had polio when he turned 3. The dr said he would never walk again. I will never forget my father helping him into the bathtub. Father made 3 wooden steps but it did not help. Through connections his condition was announced over Radio Pulpit S.A. and within 2 weeks the miracle happened. He was climbing trees!
Imagine you marry someone, but before you do, the DR calls you in to show you how your husband might die at 50. He tells you your husband will oneday have to choose if he grows stiff sitting or lying down. He tells you that the sores you see outside is nothing in comparison to what is happening with his organs. I take my hat off to my sister in law. What a woman!!
I am believing for a miracle again, although, now a father... he is in hospital on this new years day 2016.

Dec 2013... A near disaster, losing the whole hand
5 December 2013
A miracle happened. They were going to amputate half of his hand because it was not healing.
As a family and some close friends, we stormed God's throne and asked for Mercy.
He went back to the doctor a week later and his hand started to heal!!
The reverse we prayed for happened.