"...that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ"
YWAM UofN Workbooks for staff, students and Bible Studies
A friend in the USA who serves on the UofN International DTS Center asked me to make all the books available again, including the SBS (Biblical Studies Books).
Here you go! Happy Pioneering and fulfilling what Jesus asked us to do, Making Disciples of All Nations!
Sarah B
PS - Check out SandBoxBible.com if you want to follow verse-by-verse reading of scriptures with visuals.

Book 18
Pioneer & Multiply (2016)
From Pioneering A New Base, a new school or going on outreach ending with debrief sessions... this book is there to help you. Please also see UofN catalogue above.

Book 59
Debrief & RE-entry
Was outreach hard and difficult - debrief well.
Prepare presentations profesionally
Book 01
DTS Lecture phase student
Available in Mandarin, French, Indo Bahasa, Spanish, Thai. Email UofNbooks@gmail.com
12 week student daily journal
prep for one on one
prep for small group

Book 02
Outreach book & Debrief
Any Level school can use this book.
Prepare yourself and your team well
Debrief on outreach as you go
Debrief when you are back
Bible study for outreach included
Book 37
Staff Leader and School Staff Lecture phase
Help your staff to keep track of where they are at while they staff. This is for their own benefit and growth.

Book 64
Lecture Phase
1 Week Outreach Prep
One week outreach and evangelism preparation for staff and students.
Helpful links to many resources

Book 92
SBS: The Book of Matthew
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 132
SBS: The Book of Mark
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 133
SBS: The Book of Luke
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 158
SBS: The Book John & Acts
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 159
SBS: Letters of Paul
Romans & Corintians
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 160
SBS: Letters of Paul
Ten Books: Galatians - Philemon
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 157
SBS: The General Letters
Eight Books
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 157
SBS: The General Letters
Eight Books
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 110
SBS: Job & Ecclesiastes
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 161
SBS: Gen-Ex
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 162
SBS: Lev-Num-Deut
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 163
SBS: Joshua Judges Ruth
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 164
SBS: 1 Sam & 2 Sam
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 165
SBS: 2 Kings - 2 Chron
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 166
SBS: Ezra Neh Ester
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 167
SBS: Psalms Prov SofS
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 168
SBS: Isaiah
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 169
SBS: Jer Lam Daniel
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes

Book 170
SBS: Minor Prophets
Inductive Bible Study Method
A book for your own notes