"...that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ"
Preparing well for outreach
Short term missions can be daunting, especially if it is Frontier Missions, going where the Gospel has not had many years of Sunday school teachings to prepare the soil for people to grow in. Planting seeds on rocks needs planning and hard work. It could take years before the rock turns into soil. That is ok. What is not ok, is if we hammer the seed onto the rock... Here are some tools from various organizations that could help you be strategic in your time of seed sowing. Know what to say, and what not to say - the latter being very important.
FILMS FOR OUTREACH to the hard places where the Gospel has not been before...

Bible Stories in 6000 languages for DTS outreach or any other short term team.

Imagine sharing the Bible stories with people who's language you do not understand! Why not download stories before you GO
Equip2Go Inspirational video before you go!
It will be helpful for teams to watch this before they go on outreach.

This brilliant, Creation to Christ colouring book was made for Varanassi India's children but are today being used all over India.
It is not hard to do outreach in India and millions have not heard about the One True God.
Going to India?
Sharing the Gospel with Buddhist
In Myanmar a people movement is happening. Many are coming to Christ and are being baptised. House churches are going up daily.
Outreach Equip2Go Equipping my team

The Illustrated Bible in various languages, including Thai!
If your team is coming via Thailand / Chiang Mai for outreach
preparation, please contact the North-Outreach coordinator and get a hold of these WONDERFUL Bibles and much more!

You might just be the next part of the bridge before they cross over. Make sure you know where they are at so that you can build effectively and ask the right questions.
Training Resources or the Chinese

Skits and dances on outreach - Read about our generation's challenge challenge here!