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Writer's pictureSarah Beriyth

My "Singapore-Wish"... for September!

A good friend of mine gave me this broshure saying: "I know you and I know you would LOVE to go to this because it is your passion and also part of the focus you will have for your Masters Degree"

She was completely CORRECT!

I am already having to do MAJOR fundraising when I go home for the Masters... yet money should never determine what we do nor don't do.

& GUESS WHAT... it is open to the Body of Christ!

Any one of my sponsors want to join me on this adventure? Take this back to your local church?

God-willing, I will be able to raise another airticket and ground fees, and jump on the airplane

9 September returning 24 September from SINGAPORE for the following:



"So you have heard about YWAM's 4K Omega Zones focus? (if you have not go here

Finding 4K Solutions will equip you to look further than your own capacity and gifts - "What can I do?" - and focus on finding solutions for "WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE?"

35% of 4K Omega Zones are populated with totally Unreached Peoples who have no gospel access. Another 42% have marginal gospel access. What does this mean for the approaches you will take and your expected ministry outcomes?

This 10 Day Seminar | Workshop is about praying, thinking and planning big... really BIG... about smaller bite-sized pieces, and answering the key question:

"What needs to be done for ALL of these Omega Zones to have access to the Gospel and be blessed with transformational disciple-making ministries and movements?"

The Christian Magna Carta, Spheres of Society and Church Planting Movements will feature in this integrated approach.

What makes a movement move through a sphere of society or population? What should we do with a new follower of Jesus in a complete unreached area?

Experienced field practitioners will assist you to develop an implementable Action Plan in an interactive worship style environment.

Finding 4K solutions - a new wave of pioneering among the Least, the Last and the Lost "

INFORMATION: EMAIL: 12-23 September 2016

ACTUAL COST IN RAND FOR ME TO GO : R 8400 + R8600 = R17,100

FOOD & LODGING for 2 weeks in Singapore:

Cost of the cheapest flight at the moment:

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