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Sarah AnnaLise

Flying out & Fighting the Murders in SA with Fasting

The message above is in light of 2 things:

1. The Whatapp message. I fly in on the day they are warning us about security at the airports. (2NOV).

Please keep me in your prayers. We do not give into a spirit of fear but the message that was translated for us in Afrikaans going around on WhatsApp is a serious concern. I think God is exposing things.

2. I hear a lot via videos about "standing up for SA making our voices heard" but what is majorly lacking in my circles, are the voices from church leaders calling us to FAST and pray. I give my reasons for this in the video. I voice might not be the thunder that is needed but sometimes you cannot sleep because of a buzzing mozzie at your ear!


FEEDBACK after teaching again on a discipleship school in October:

I had a wonderful time of teaching WITH incredible breakthrough for students a week ago.

I was teaching on Spiritual W@rfare and God visited us in a unique way. Every Thai person in the classroom had a deep encounter with Holy Spirit and a Spirit of Truth set them free from deep wounds. There were lots of tears but their faces shone when we were done.

I am flying out this week for the 5th Master's intensive. We are halfway - I can scarcely believe it.

Thank you for your prayers.

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