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How do you train a nation to pray? Perhaps one game at a time...

How do you train a nation to pray?

ONE GAME at a time!

One night I had a dream. I developed a Christian Game. Many years later the dream actually came true.

The last few weeks I have been negotiating (as if I do this every day) with printing houses and bookstore sellers - what a season!

This is where it is at after MUCH negotiating:

We need a R90 000 miracle. (6000 U$ / Euro) To have it for Christmas printing must start mid July.

One day I will tell the printing house: The very day I came to your shop to show you the game, I had just over R1000 in my Bank Account. I will never forget that feeling inside my chest. They first started with 2500 copies for hundreds and thousands of rand.

God... this is YOUR BABY I said. All I can do is create the game.

Two mornings ago, (12 June) after quite a few disappointments by now, while praying God suddenly spoke so clear in my spirit.

Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD.

I rushed to find the scripture. It was Isaiah 66:9 My faith level rose. We are contending for nations - not just a game.

Five minutes later CUM BOOKS emailed me. They are interested in the Game but cannot buy it without seeing it. One couple gave generously, hence only 90 000 left to go.

At least the printing house came down from R250 000 (I think I missed my calling as a negotiator)

The Game is too expensive to print 1 or even 500!

It contains 615 play cards alone, let alone the rest. Four companies actually make this happen! From Dice, the time keeper, the board, to the spinner, to the cards!

I had incredible help with the booklet and other oversight. I feel very confident that the game will deliver what I intended it for.


I have asked and really humbled (feels more like humiliation) over 30 business-men and woman that I know to sow into this. If it was not for my incredible friend helping me with the booklet and fine details... I would have given up by now. I am not.


ONE MORE TRY for this quest to reach the ears of those God is raising up to give and sow into this nation through this game.

All the while... praying

So if you know of someone that would like to sow into this - please forward this link to them. I would love to see our YWAM bases use this for their Discipleship Training Schools world wide.

It is a great introductory to Intercession and the need of the nations around us.

Sarah Anna-Lise

A special account for this was opened:



1623 404 256 - Branch 470010



BANK: Cavendish Glen Shopping Centre, Shop 127, 9 Monument Rd, Kempton Park, 1619 South Africa

If you need to use Paypal, ABSA or FNB, just mention: ITG GAME SPONSOR - click here for the account details

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